While feasting on my Thanksgiving Day meal I had an IPA that cut through the gravy and was still able to play nice with my apple pie a la mode. Pipeworks Brewery Ninja Vs. Unicorn Double IPA was surprisingly refreshing for a double. For an unfiltered beer it wasn’t very hazy and poured a crisp gold with a medium white foam. When I brought it up to my pie hole my nose caught some tropical aromas like pineapple and citrus. The first sip brought on the “pine” in the pineapple with a honey and malty sweetness. For a double IPA it wasn’t overly hoppy. It was well balanced with the grains and maybe a taste of lemon grass with a surprisingly dry finish. This was a solid, sturdy, easy drinking brew that didn’t make you scrunch up your face or temporarily blind you with a wall of alcohol.
The Sonic Pairing: With it’s satisfying drinkability and well balanced flavor I went with a band from the brewery’s hometown of Chicago, Cheap Trick. They can be quirky at times but always deliver a well crafted song that rocks. Especially on their arguably best effort, “In Color”. After your first sip you’ll say “Hello There” and “C’mon C’mon” for more. It might be a beer you want to be “Drowned” in. When you go for your next beer run it might call out “I Want You To Want Me”. Too much…?
All the beers featured in the Pike Sonic Beer Blog can be found at Wachusett Wine And Spirits in West Boylston and Worcester.