This beer is smooth. It’s all in the name. “Easy Operator”. The aromas of vanilla, tangerine and peach form into a creamscicle as you take that first sip. It’s got a nice medium body with the taste of more tropical fruit, guava and hops. The hopiness doesn’t assault your senses but eases into the mix. It’s well balanced and…again, smoooooth. Planate but not featureless. All the delicious flavors and character swirled into a velvety flow. I got some raspberry and peach with a slight bitterness on the finish.
The Sonic Pairing: Smooth, seamless with no rough edges or abruptnesses. The perfect pairing would be one of the most flawlessly recorded albums ever recorded: Steely Dan’s Aja. This is the album where the Dan rounded out their musical edges and produced music that is poured smooth into your ears. While the all star musicians kept the playing complex the overall mix made it lush and sleek. The only edge left were the lyrics with the tales of debauchery, testing loved ones and lessons never learned.
All beers featured in the Sonic Beer Blog can be found at Wachusett Wine And Spirits in West Boylston and Worcester.