This very berry sour from Vermont’s Foam Brewers is smooth and fruity but beware, it does pack a (fruit)punch. I’m a huge fan of all berries and this ale does not disappoint in that department. A heavy whiff of earthy raspberry and blackberry with a light floral swirl on the pour. It had a beautiful light plum color with a healthy pink foam that dissipated quickly. The first sip was all the berries they say it is; blackberry, raspberry and black currant. More tart than sour and a bit of grain. It was on the finish that the 10% ABV slapped the back of my head! Very boozy on the finish with a sour bite and more raspberry. This is the only problem I have with this one: It’s too delicious and has a great mouthfeel which makes it hard not to crush. At 10%, this could get you into trouble. Take it slow and savor this bacciferous(yes, that’s a word) liquid.
The Sonic Pairing: A great example of smooth and sweet with a sneaky punch is The Posies 1993 power pop gem, Frosting On The Beater. At that time the trend was down-tuned and dark. But The Posies released a radiant and candied set of songs crafted with caramel, nougat and nuts with a real distorted crunch. After the intro tracks “Dream All Day” and “Solar Sister” you can’t help but finish the whole cherry cobbler of an album. After “Flavor Of The Month” and “Definite Door” you’ll be hearing Wilford Brimley yelling “DIABEETUS” along with the saccharin crisp hooks.
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