Category Archives: Uncategorized

Mother Gives Children The Most Metal Names Ever

According to documentary film maker David Farrier, a mother in New Zealand has named her three children after three of Metal’s most iconic bands.  Farrier checked with the the country’s Registrar-General and he confirmed the children’s names are “Metallica”, “Slayer”, and “Pantera”.  The oldest, Metallica, is going to turn 12 this year.  You can read the…MORE

Eric LaFleche Is A One man Army Fighting Hunger…For Now

It started as a small but noble idea. Help 5 families with groceries.  It came to Eric Lafleche during one of his long drives for for his job.  He was deemed an essential employee and was doing well at work.  He wanted to give back to the community in some way to pay it forward. …MORE

See Elton LIVE at Foxboro! Win your way in!

See Elton LIVE at Foxboro! Win your way in!

100 FM The Pike has your tickets to see Classic Rock icon Elton John at Foxboro Stadium in 2022. Listen for the keywords with Mike Hsu, Chuck Perks and Mistress Carrie to text in and qualify for the tickets. The Goodbye Yellow Brick Road tour stops at Gillette and you don’t want to miss it.MORE

Join 100 FM The Pike at Rascals in Worcester on Saturday night July 10th as we officially welcome Mike Hsu and Mistress Carrie to 100 FM The Pike. Chuck Perks will be there too! Prizes to giveaway and a fun night of live music provided by “Boyz Gone Wild” New England’s Ultimate 80s tribute. Get…MORE

All This Machinery Making Modern Music…

What if Kurt Cobain had not killed himself?  What if Jim Morrison decided to decided to quit drinking in Paris?  What if Jimi Hendrix decided he didn’t need sleeping pills.  What if Amy Winehouse was able to stay off drugs?  Would the music world be much different today?  The Over The Bridge organization has tried…MORE


  Well I survived my first day as the host of The Pike morning show and haven’t been fired!  So, that’s encouraging… I promise to not play Rush all the time(not really), I promise to not eat while I’m talking(not really), I promise not to torture Adam Webster too much(maybe a little) Seriously, I was…MORE

Mike Hsu’s Blog

Mike Hsu’s Blog

Mike Hsu is ready to share his thoughts and opinions…. whether you like it or not…. make sure to bookmark this page to keep up to date with everything going on in Mike’s head….. yes we are scared too. 1/23/23 – The Lost Guitar Solo From Pink Floyd’s Animals 12/21/22 – This Is For All…MORE

Gorilla Glue Will Help Us Stick Together Through These Hard Times

We are very sorry to hear about the unfortunate incident that Miss Brown experienced using our Spray Adhesive on her hair. We are glad to see in her recent video that Miss Brown has received medical treatment from her local medical facility and wish her the best. — Gorilla Glue (@GorillaGlue) February 8, 2021…MORE

RIP Eddie Van Halen

RIP Eddie Van Halen

Eddie Van Halen dies at 65 after cancer battle By Sandra Gonzalez, CNN (CNN) –Eddie Van Halen, the renowned lead guitarist of iconic rock group Van Halen, has died, according to a social media post by his son. He was 65. “He was the best father I could ever ask for,” his son, Wolf Van…MORE
