Mike Hsu chats with Rob Halford from Judas Priest about his legendary career & his new book “Confess: The Autobiography” … MORE

Mike Hsu chats with Rob Halford from Judas Priest about his legendary career & his new book “Confess: The Autobiography” … MORE
It’s The 80s At 8 With Chuck Perks. Slide Into Your Spandex And Rock Out To Some Great Music From The Days Of Teased Hair And Ripped Jeans. The 80s At 8, Weeknights At 8 On 100 FM The Pike!… MORE
Now you can call 100 FM The Pike and leave us recorded messages. Leave your comments, Requests, Complaints, Opinions, Or whatever is on your mind. Call 774-670-0231. Be fun and entertaining and you might be on the radio. Call 774-670-0231. Call the Pike Hotline and leave us a message.… MORE
Chuck Perks has your chance to win tickets to see Adam Sandler when his comedy tour stops at the Xfinity Center on Wednesday June 19th. Keep it locked on to the On Demand Lunch to win! Tickets on sale now, click here to buy yours… MORE
This & EVERY Saturday night, join 100.1 FM The Pike at 7:00 pm for The Pike Party Train! All aboard for 5 hours of wall to wall classic party tunes! Sponsored By Rhino Linings New England Undercoating Of Leominster… MORE
He’s staying for at least another season! Patriots: OC Josh McDaniels confirms he will remain with New England https://t.co/VK9wt83HUz @RichGarvenTG @Patriots @Broncos pic.twitter.com/ewBZSKSaEx — Telegram & Gazette (@telegramdotcom) January 8, 2019… MORE
100 FM The Pike is throwing an end of the year party at the DCU center Ballroom on Saturday December 29! It’s “Last Call 2018 with the Dark Desert Eagles featuring Pat Badger of Extreme” Raise a glass and rock out to the music of the Eagles with friends, family, and plenty of fun! Get…… MORE
Cruisin’ Bruce talks to Derrick Pontier of Super Troup about Hairfest comin to Indian Ranch THIS weekend!!!… MORE
Cruisin’ Bruce chats with Scott Garieri of Garieri Jewelers about the recent controversy around their new Billboard… MORE